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If you are experiencing symptoms of neuromas, contact your doctor or make an appointment.

What is a Neuroma?

 A ‘pinched nerve’ or a nerve tumor is called a neuroma. This painful condition occurs when the tissue surrounding the nerves in the toe area thickens. As a result, the tissue rubs against the nerves and irritates them. Furthermore, patients tend to feel this numbness or pressure between the third and fourth toes.

Causes of Neuromas

There are no definite causes for the formation of a neuroma. However, some factors may contribute to their growth, such as putting repetitive pressure on the ball of the foot. Common causes of this condition include: 

  • Foot Shape: Flat feet and high arches are bone structures that lead to this injury. These biomechanical problems provoke instability in the toes, leading to increased pressure on the ball of the foot. 
  • Sports: Activities that are highly intensive and put repeated pressure on the front of the foot can lead to this condition. Those who are involved in long-distance running or tennis are often patients of neuroma. 
  • Injury or Trauma: This condition can occur if the nerves around the toe are injured. In addition, if a foot or leg is disabled and the individual puts extra pressure on their noninjured foot.
  • Occupation: Any occupation where an individual puts repeated stress on the balls of the feet can cause this condition. For example, teachers, military personnel, cooks, or retail workers are prone to neuroma.
  • Improper footwear: High heels, narrow shoes, and tight socks are examples of footwear that can hurt the nerves. 

Symptoms of Neuromas

Patients describe this condition as feeling excruciating pain or numbness around the toe area. Common reports include: 

  • A burning sensation or pain between the toes
  • Tingling or numbness between the toes 
  • Feeling like there is a pebble in your shoe that you can’t shake

Treating Neuromas

If you feel that you have this nerve condition, you should contact your podiatrist, who can examine or use imaging on your foot. In addition, they will recommend a treatment that is best for you, including: 

  • Use of proper footwear: Patients should comfortable or padded shoes. High heels and tight shoes should be avoided. 
  • Shoe inserts: Shock-absorbing insoles can be put in shoes to decrease pressure on the feet. 
  • RICE method: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation can be done from the patient’s home. 
  • Surgery: Surgery is an option when the other treatments are ineffective. Medical procedures can include decompression surgery or removal of the nerve itself. 

Experiencing Symptoms?

Make an Appointment Now