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If you are experiencing symptoms of bunions, contact your doctor or make an appointment.

What are Bunions?

A bunion is formed when there is prolonged pressure on the big toe and its base pushes outwards. The big toe may start pointing towards the second toe or even go over it. As the big toe is essential for foot flexion and balance, walking becomes increasingly uncomfortable and painful as the bunion gets larger. This condition can be caused by wearing shoes that are too tight or worsen the condition.

Causes of Bunions

  • Hereditary
  • Gender: Bunions are seen more in women than men.
  • Narrow, tight-fitting shoes.
  • Having Rheumatoid arthritis may make you more susceptible to bunions

Symptoms of Bunions

  • Callus or corns have thickened around the base of the big toe
  • The base of the big toe appears red, painful, and scaly
  • A bony pump forms at the base of the big toe
  • The big toe points to or goes over the second toe
  • Very painful to walk

Treating Bunions

  • Timely treatment of bunions is essential to prevent worsening of the condition, chronic pain, deformity, and arthritis
  • Change to wide-toed shoes or a more comfortable style of shoes
  • Use over-the-counter foam or gel pads to cushion the bunion
  • Insert foam wedges called “separators” or “spacers” between the toes
  • Bunion surgery or bunionectomy can realign the toe and remove the bony bump. This is a day surgery and no overnight hospital stay is necessary. Recovery may take several weeks.
  • Make an appointment with us if the pain is ongoing or you see decreased movement in your big toe.
Foot with a bunion and a normal foot

Experiencing Symptoms?

Make an Appointment Now